Monday, April 4, 2011

Blog Hiatus: New York City

I'm taking a brief hiatus from this blog because I am preparing for my school trip to New York City. I'll be heading over there in 2 weeks and I have a ton of schoolwork to do as well as preparing for the conference that I'm attending in NYC. It's not BEA or anything to do with books, but a Model UN conference. My school is representing Mexico and I'm super excited to be on the International Court of Justice committee. And I can't wait to explore NYC since I never been before. The Strand is definitely on my to-go list, as well as, the common tourist areas - Wall Street, Time Square, Staten Island Ferry, Central Park, Natural History Museum, etc. However, to enjoy my time in NYC, I must get a 10-15 pg paper done as well as a presentation set up for another class. So I will be gone from the blog for at least 3 weeks. But I will be back with pictures, book reviews and maybe a giveaway when I return from NYC!

Anyway, what tips or suggestions do you have for someone who is visiting New York City for the first time?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wondrous Words (9)

Source: (we♥it)

“Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering”
- Nicole Krauss, The History of Love
Blog Design By Use Your Imagination Designs With Pictures from Pinkparis1233
Use Your Imagination Designs