I started A Girl With Books because I love books and wanted a forum where I can talk about them. This blog is purely a fun hobby for me. I do not receive or accept any monetary compensation for this.
However, I am open to receiving ARCs/pitches/news about new and upcoming books. Before sending me an email, please check out this list of genres I read.
Genres I Read:
- Young Adult Lit
- Historical Fiction
- Chick Lit
- Fantasy
- Nonfiction - Sociology, Gender Studies, International Relations, Political Science
Reviews are generally posted in a timely manner. However, I am a college student that works part-time so real life may interfere from time to time. Just indicate in the email if you want the book review posted at a certain time. Otherwise, it will be added to the stacks of books beside my bed. Just because you have sent me an ARC does not guarantee a positive review.
An additional place I post my reviews is on my Goodreads account.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me at agirlwithbooks [at] gmail [dot] com.